The future is open


Change worth fighting for

The world has changed a lot in the past year, but there is still more to do for CC, our partners, our community, and you.

While many governments and institutions have gotten on board with the idea that publicly funded materials should be openly licensed, others make half-steps or non-steps that don’t bring the world closer to truly open knowledge.

And while the open access movement has made great strides in science, the path to open research in the humanities and social sciences remains less clear.

There are so many areas we hope to explore. We’re funded by grants from foundations, and donations from people like you. We use every dollar to maximum effect. We want to build tools to help CC licensors to track and measure reuse of their content, but we’ll need new funds and partners to work with us. We hope you’ll consider helping with a gift of your time or a donation.

Creative Commons

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, The future is open by Creative Commons is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Image credits

The banner illustrations were created by Luke Surl. To the extent possible under the law, Luke has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights under the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.

The “The future is open” logo is set in Akzidenz Grotesk Bold. This website is set in Roboto Slab.

GitHub repository / LayerVault project

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